Sunday, February 25, 2007

This Lil' Game We Play

This post is brought to you by Subway's Good Times!

This one's kinda long! Okay it's time to meet some of the Royal Court (I'll just introduce those that are pertinent to this story, you'll meet the rest later). First we have my bestest male friend in the world. We've known each other since junior high and I just love him to death - we'll call him The Count. Next we should I put this...let's just say his love interest. We've also known her since childhood and they were reunited about a year ago - we'll call her, well actually she's not really apart of the Royal Court so she can just be Chickee (pronounced Chick - E). And finally (but certainly not least) we have my love interest (or as I call him, my guyfriend). I've known him for about 3 years & we've dating for about 2 - we'll call him The Duke (of Atlanta LOL!).

So on to the dirt . . . The Count & Chickee started dating (just sporadically, nothing serious) last Spring. But then (kinda out of the blue) she has a boyfriend so that ends the dates. However, a couple of months ago Chickee starts calling The Count saying they should hang out & she misses him, etc. So they go to the movies this weekend, she calls the outing a date, makes "googly eyes" at him (LOL I'm quoting The Count) & makes plans for another outing. But she claims that she and the bf are still together & everything is fine. Well if they're still together & happy, why in the hell would she be trying to put the moves on The Count???

Last night The Count & I brainstormed to think of ways he could find out what's really going on and how to classify their relationship. I told him he should ask her "So what does your boyfriend think about us going out like this?" He could then decide what's going on from her response. Just to get another POV, I told The Duke my advice and asked him what he thought of the matter. He responds that The Count just can't come out & ask about the bf but he has to say something like "...I'm going to tell your boyfriend..." I think it would be best to just ask what you want to know but The Duke said that may "mess something up" so you should kinda beat around the bush.

And that brings me to the question of the day: Why do we play so many games??? Why can't we just be straight up with each other?

In the perfect world (well we wouldn't have this dilemma) The Count could just ask Chickee: What are we doing? She would give an easy to understand response (because Ladies we know how "complex" we can be). And all would be fine. But since the world is far from perfect, we're stuck with trying to investigate and decode. So what's your preference: straight up or a bunch of other mess?

'Til Next Time . . . Smooches Lovers!

P.S. Today's sponsors aren't Subway as in Jared's diet plan but Subway the R&B group circa 93-94. You remember! They had the song This Lil Game We Play with the original 702.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Boomes you're hilarious! Okay so my stance of course is the straight path...I just don't work well w/the for some people and some relationships I reckon that works but naw you can miss me w/the games man.
However, I find that the more I am straight forward the more intimidated I make guys that I'm "talking" to or what have you, b/c I suppose they aren't really accustomed to that. Even though they might think that is what they want, when it is presented its another story(same goes for women as well, we say we want honesty but sometimes we find it difficult to take in or accept) Iunno...depending upon the situation and the agenda I suppose a game or two couldn't hurt...but I mean if they're really friends they should be past the game